Sunday, October 16, 2011
Day 5 Things you want to say to an ex.
Well okay here goes.

Dear You,

This feels a lil weird as it's been ages since we last contacted but hey I hope you are doing fine in life! :) It's hard to tell how you are doing, even with social networks like Facebook that supposedly makes 'stalking' easier, cos I for once knew you to be a rather mysterious and private guy.

I would like you to know that what we went through was one of my life altering moments and that I do not regret it. Thank you for making me a better, stronger woman. Through this experience, I had matured and learnt so much more about love and most importantly, myself and what I want in my relationship.

I had grown so much, it's amazing. Do you remember how I used to be like when I was with you? Maybe it's because you were my first love, I remember myself to be...frankly said, a lil paranoid. Hahah.

I remembered how I would pop by your house nearly every day just so I could see you and I'd stay for as long as possible till the point it got you so annoyed. Hahah that, I will admit was my bad. I was immature and well, still is :P

However, Im glad to say that Ive changed and I do not subject Jo to the same actions. Funnily, he's the one that crashing over at my place ever so often. Hahah well I guess people do change yea? I wonder what about you. Have you change? :)

Anyway, I apologize for all the moments when I was really hard to handle (I know it can get real crazy) and for all the times I let my anger get to me. I sincerely hope you would be able to find a lovely girl with a much better temper in the times to come! Hahah

Well I guess that's all I have to say :) I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and stay healthy!

Be blessed!

_Posted by Cherryl on 4:19 PM - 0CMTS