Monday, October 10, 2011
Day 2 Something you feel strongly about.

I was browsing through a friend of a friend's facebook account (Or stalking as you wld like to call it) and looking through her photo albums that was chalked up to the brim with beautiful pictures of her and friends, travelling abroad, partying, sky dving etc etc.

And I got envious.

Envious at how much fun and excitement seems to fill her life every so often whereas mine is left to settle in the dust and to be honest I just feel pretty blah right now.

Not that Im not happy for her, I really am. I just wish my life was just as interesting thats all. 

But then I got reminded to be content with myself and my life, that everyone have their ups and downs and not every moment of our life is documented. 

Cos a picture speaks a thousand words but not the entire life story of the people capture in it. What is seen on the surface may very well be just a facade covering the actual truth.

I have great friends, an awesome lover, a doting family. 

That is enough.

In the end, I guess I just wanna feel like Im not alone.

_Posted by Cherryl on 10:51 AM - 0CMTS